Wednesday, June 25, 2014


In my next few paragraphs I am going to compare for you Blender and Maya.

Blender and Maya are both 3D animation software.

Blender is now offering a newer version of its original software.  This new software includes something called “Cycle”. This new software allows real-time viewport previews and has a permissive license for linking to external software among other things. Blender also boasts that it is very fast and easy to use as far as creating 3D model objects and animating these models. It claims that its new rendering engine allows it to create a vast amount of material for whatever project the consumer has in mind. Blender appeals to the creative side of the consumer by offering sculpting tools and game creation as well as the ability to upload taped footage among other things.

Maya offers the promise of creating realistic 3D imagery.  Their website is a tad more vague than Blender’s and insists that their programming comes with a variety of tools that allows for easier shading, high quality skinning in a short amount of time, creation of smooth surfaces, creation of UVs, interactive workflows, scripting/ API access, complex worlds and more.

According to consumer reviews the initial start up process for both games are practically identical. However there are some differences that users enjoy about one more than the other. One user explains using tools and other features such as the dope sheet for Blender is much faster than that of Maya.  This user also claims that Maya can get much more complicated and turns out being more of a hassle with character movement. Maya has features, however, such as the paint effects that come in handy and is missing from the Blender program. Maya has also been around or a greater amount of time. As a result, the key board short cuts in Maya have become standardized and thus makes the key board shortcuts of blender seem odd or out of place.

Maya, however, is very expensive, costing  $185 monthly or $3675 to buy.  Maya does, however, come with a free 30 day trial. Blender is completely free and offers the option to donate to the cause. Users recommend Maya because it is used more in the professional world and suggest that if you want to go into business, you should become familiar with that programming, however many claim that Blender has many of the same features.


Polygon Mesh graphics are a compilation of edges and faces that create objects. Polygon meshes can be used to model an object in the digital world. Meshes, however, are limited in representing curved surfaces. With this in mind, it can be hard to create fluids or hair.

Polygon meshes are simples and easy to create and thus are the most common data structures for representing objects in computer graphics.  Another reason for this is because they provide a good approximation of real world objects and its ability to change into other representations.  In addition to their versatility, they are also a good common ground for creating complex objects and serve as an important foundation for digital models.

There a several properties of a polygon mesh. Polygon meshes are solid an represent solid objects. Polygon meshes are also connected faces. There are no breaks. Polygon meshes are known for their simplicity and planarity. Polygon meshes also can have convex or concave properties.

Polygon meshes can also be describes as connected vertices and the representation can be manipulated by moving these vertices in simple shapes. Polygon meshes are used in popular computer graphics like video game characters. (Picture seen below. Human characteristics are often conveyed through polygonal meshes using the face and edges to creates a human appearance.

See example below.  

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Playing with Sound
JoC 12

The fanfare.wav was not on my computer so I assigned explosion.wav and pop.wav to my game. However I had errors with those sounds as well. 

here's the error message that I got with all three of those sounds. As such I just stuck to slurp and au.wav. 

Object interaction and Counter. 

Here's is the link to my game! with sound counter and all!

Bouncy Ball! JOC 17

Here I made a change in image

Now my balls are changing color as they bounce off the wall!

Ball appearing at mouse click!

Here I changed the color of my background to black. 

Image Manipulation JoC 21

JoC 21-23

Just leaned up some code and made it so my circles become transparent and eventually disappear. 

Went ahead and customized it.


joC 24, 25, 26: How to Display Text

I put words in my smoke and mirror game instead of my bouncy ball game

JoC 27 - Object interaction

JoC 28 

Here we looked at using different code to create the same interactions between the counter, ball, and paddle. 

Looking at Loops!!

Finishing touches. JoC up to 33

Thursday, May 8, 2014

CLASS 13: Identity in the Context of Virtual Worlds

The identity you assume in a virtual world, some say, is truer to your person than you in the real world. We see insecurities in people all the time. People are not happy with their looks, or their gender, etc. Transgender individuals believe that they were one gender simply born into the wrong body. The notion of feeling like your personality comfortability does not match your body is not uncommon or specific to any one trait. Virtual worlds allow you to reflect this and show it off to other people.

In my experience, I have not been discriminated against or treated differently walking around as a black female or a white male. However, it follows that if I was I could simply change the way I looked to become more accepted. Virtual worlds allow me to avoid conflict if I wish to. In a way I could get a fresh start if I wanted to.

Another advantage is that of increased communication within a virtual classroom. When you can look the way you want to look you tend to gain confidence. Increased communication within the classroom promotes a better learning community. It also serves as an environment to study these interactions. We can figure out what are some of the ways that people change their communication when dealing with a different gender/race/ other identifying factor.

The way that we create our avatar can be used to create discussion on a great deal of identifying traits. We do not realize all the things that serve to define us, however creating an avatar and having to literally account for these things can be a reminder and make us socially aware. Language is one characteristic. People tend to make judgements about what another person can speak based on their physical appearance.

In conclusion, virtual avatars allow us the opportunity to be viewed the way we want. When making them, we consciously decide on whether or not we want to accept the stereotypes that come with that characteristic. At the same time, we might assume that to a certain extent, we view those characteristics that same way. Someone studying virtual characters could figure out just by observing and studying how people prefer to look.

Examining Gender, Race and Body Image in a Virtual World

I found that as a girl people were very receptive. I never ran into any problems. 

As a white male, I ran into little problems as well. My first interaction was with a girl who told me she was busy. However after that everyone was only nice  and sociable to me. I did not run into much gender/race discrimination.