Thursday, February 27, 2014

Class 6 assignment Silver and Gold dollar

first I started with a regular circle

I added color and words
A smiley face


I did come color changing

Added my name!


circle work here!

Added the eyes

 Text and name!

Had to resize for the gold dollar

Color changing

Midterm #4

Created an onverse account as cloudparty has forsaken me

Class 5, Assignment 8

I def won. 

Class 5, Assignment 6

Class 5, Assignment 5

My thoughts on the relationship between body image, personal identity and self esteem. 

I agree with everyone when they say that the media has absolutely pushed their own version of what beauty is on women and young girls. I spent a good portion of my life wishing I was shorter and had more of a coke bottle shape. I'm not a magazine person and I didn't really watch celebrity television. I found that I got my image of beauty from cartoon shows and video games which I think is 100 times worse because if the girls on magazines are fake, the women in cartoons/video games are quite literally drawn to perfection. Of course not liking your own body image is going to affect your self esteem, you don't look like what society deems beautiful! I think self esteem and personal identity are one in the same (To an extent) because self esteem is how you view yourself and what you think your worth is. 

Here's the video I want to share:

Class 5, Assignment 4