Thursday, April 24, 2014

Final #3: Group 3D building project

So this is me attempting to build something. 

I thought... let me build a dog house! : )

I'M NOT SAYIN ANY NAMES! But my dog house USED to be were that greyish thing is. SOMEHOW it disappeared! 
 Following the untimely death of my dog house. #RIPtoSparky'sHouse, I decided to move on to making a bird house. Animals need places to live too. 

Coming together nicely!

I think I did a great job. In fact, I think my bird bath kind of saved the whole class from a mediocre building project. 

This was me going for a grill, but then my computer died....

WebGL Chrome Experiments the FAIL IN FIREFOX

I ran the experiments from Virginia, Stephen, Jaime, and my own blog and none of them failed on Firefox. 

WebGL Chrome Experiments using Google's Chrome Browser

Place was cool, you can span the map.  Look at ice, water and grass.

 This race track was also cool.

This is a cool pool.  Water looks real, ball floats. Made me want to go swimming.