Thursday, March 27, 2014

Class 9, FINAL PREPARATION: Learning the basics of JavaScript.

Sooo, my computer was going through the MOST but it did spend a LOT of time on this website. I just love how they have that cute guy in the corner. 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Class 7, FINAL PREPARATION: Choosing a JavaScript programming track.

So for homework I had to compare three different methods for learning Javascript which, I think, was AMAZING!

So the three sites were:

      1. Khan Academy Computer Science program at
      2. Street at  (learn JavaScript only)
      3. Code Academy at  (learn JavaScript only)

So I really loved Khan Academy, mostly because there was commentary and they broke it down to an elementary level. I was able to create shapes, colors, etc. However learnstreet I think was pretty good because they held my hand a little less. They gave you javascript and expected you to remember it way down the line. I appreciated that. Yes it was more difficult but I think it flowed well so I felt like I was learning something a little more complicated even though it wasn't ALL that more complicated than Khan Academy. What learnstreet didn't do, however, is show me a separate screen that was being manipulated by the Javascript. This is something that codeacademy and Khan Academy did off the bat, and that's what I think of really when I think of javascript.

All in all though I think codeacademy was my least favorite. I would actually go back to the first two on my own time.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Midterm #8

finished product

Before I blurred in the streaks

Blurring in the face

Look at that white smile!

Midterm #7

Blogger wouldn't let me upload the xcf version!  But here's png!

Class 5, Assignment 6

I did this crazy pipe thing! It looked cool animated! lol! 

The tree only gave me so many slides to work with!